We’ve been working through Genesis since January and then we got this thing called COVID. We do a lot of planning. Some things we even plan out a year out. In this season it’s hard to plan even a few weeks out. You’ll receive some updates later on this week about our plans for the fall. In March everything was crazy and we were asking, “God, what do we need to do?” God pressed upon my heart that His Word is sufficient in these times. I just need to stay with scripture. The Bible addresses so many things in our lives. God speaks into our lives through the Bible. Here’s what we want to happen in these times: we want you to keep growing and to get spiritually stronger. Satan’s tactic is confusion. God’s Word unites us. Jesus’ prayer for the church was to make us one. I want you to not just get through all of this but to get stronger. Today we wrestle with deception. The serpe...