Time is very important to us. Have you ever found yourself ahead of schedule so you squeezed in another task and as a result you were late? We can easily lose track of our time and it can be later than we thought it was! We try to get as much as we can out of our time to maximize our lives. In Colossians 4, Paul writes to the church telling them how they can get the most out of their time. Our opportunities to reconcile with God are slowly slipping away. Paul writes to a people who are surrounded by people that are not walking with God. How do we live with the fact that we know time is slipping away? Walk in wisdom. Wisdom is a theme throughout the book of Colossians. Jesus is the head. We learn from Jesus. He tells us what's good for our hearts. Live wisely among those who are not believers, Colossians 4.5a (NLT) ...