want to praise God and to share a time He has worked in my life. The experience shows how God used my
emotional pain for my growth and answered my prayers only when I was ready and
in a way that was best for me.
My first wife and I came to Asheboro
so I could work with Thad Moser and Wes Moser in their law firm, starting
February 1, 1976. The office was in the Trollinger
Building on Worth
Street in Asheboro .
My father died May 27, 1976. The funeral was at First
United Methodist
Church in Asheboro .
He was buried in Asheboro .
I helped mother as much as possible. I handled the estate. I missed Daddy’s
advice and common sense. I did not deal fully with his death for years, not being
able to cry or talk fully about it when I needed so much to do so.
The senior partner in our firm, Thad Moser, died February 14,
1977. He was at his desk in the office when he slumped over. There was some
confusion as to what to do. He was rushed to the hospital and cared for by the
best local surgeon. Wes was very upset at his brother’s early death. Their father
had died at an early age. I was upset also. Wes Moser decided to merge the remainder of his firm with two
other attorneys. I was given an opportunity to work with the new firm for at
least a while, but told there would be no assurances of a future for me there.
Knowing that my wife was pregnant and that I had to provide
for my family especially after the birth of a child, I started my own law firm
on February 1, 1978. I rented a first floor office space at 125
Worth Street , the corner of Worth
Street and Lawyer’s Row. Another lawyer shared
office space with me helping with the expenses. Our son, John, was born in June 1978. After living in an apartment for months with a new baby, we purchased our
first house in November, 1978.
I worked hard to promote my law practice and was an active
member in many civic clubs and other organizations. I tried to meet as many
people as I could. However, I neglected home and did not fully understand or
appreciate my wife’s needs to continue her degrees and career elsewhere. She
had obtained her masters degree after we married in Chapel Hill and before we
moved to Asheboro .
I thought I was being supportive and found out she felt otherwise. She taught
college level classes at RCC and later continued her Ph. D. in Chapel
Hill driving back and forth. I did not appreciate how hard it was
on her because I was so busy.
Our marriage became estranged with us growing apart,
separating within our home and finally her leaving. I prayed much during this
time for healing for our marriage. I sought help from the church, from business
men’s religious groups, from counselors and others. She continued her Ph.D.
degree in Chapel Hill and moved there. God
did not seem to be answering my prayers.
Our son, Matt, stayed with me until the end of the school
year. He then moved to his mother’s apartment in Chapel
Hill . He attended the nearby
elementary school and stayed in the afternoon program at the school. He visited
me every other weekend, during alternate holidays, and a month in the summers. For a long time, I drove to Chapel Hill
to visit him on the week that he stayed with her during the weekend. I tried
everything I could to reconcile with her. However, it seemed the harder I
tried, the madder she became and the less pleasant the visits. I became convinced the only way I was going to maintain my
relationship with Matt was to give up his mother. I reasoned maintaining one
relationship was better than completely losing both.
I was suffering emotionally from my father’s death, my senior
partner’s death, from the stress of starting a new law practice and establishing
a new home, from the breakup of my marriage and from the fear I would
completely lose my son. At my lowest points, it helped me to write about the
positive ways God was acting in the world. Each new section I wrote, pulled me
up a level in my feelings. One of the things I wrote, I later used as a column
in the church newsletter and as the basis for a letter to the High Point
Enterprise. It had ten sections. I will share part of it with you:
- Praise and thank God who created light, the sky, the land, the seas, plants, natural laws and mankind;
- Praise and thank God who created mankind in His image, giving us intelligence, a soul and Freedom of choice to believe in Him or not;
- Praise and thank God who acts through history, who provided a message of righteousness, justice, love and forgiveness through the Old Testament prophets, who gave His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ to tell and show by example God's love, and who provides the Holy Spirit as a comforter in our lives so we can grow on the path of Christian perfection;
- Give thanks for the faith, diversity, inclusiveness, and commitment to Christian service to others (especially the elderly, widows, the sick, orphans and strangers) found in our churches and society today;
- Give thanks for those who share the fruits of the Spirit in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self‑control;Give thanks to God for those who are known as His disciples by the way they treat each other and strangers;
- Give thanks to God who uses our weaknesses and adversity for our growth and for God's glory; and
- Give thanks to God for the Scriptures, reason, tradition and experience that guides us in our faith.
Bob participating in worship at home
I attended various seminars provided
by churches for divorcing Christians and benefited. I attended Parents without
Partners Programs and a friend there told me about a singles group called
Positive Singles Connection at Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church in High
Point. The group met at the church for two dinner meetings a month on
Tuesday nights. There was also a Sunday school class at the church on Sunday
mornings. The dinner meetings and activities attracted people from throughout Guilford ,
Randolph and
Davidson counties.
Inattention to a marriage partner,
pursuit of personal career goals, physical or emotional separation of the
spouses due to different interests, religious conflicts, conflicts regarding
the expenditure of money, conflicts regarding rearing children and a
"newfound love" by one of the spouses can be some of the reasons for
separation and divorce.
I do not believe that anyone expects to become separated and
divorced. It is my personal opinion that the person who is most psychologically
involved and fulfilled by a marriage is often the one who is hurt the most by
separation and divorce. It is also my personal opinion that most of the time
the person who wants an end to the marital relationship will minimize the
effect on any children. The person who does not want the marriage to end may
worry the most about the effect on the child or children.
During the period leading up to my separation and immediately
afterwards, there was a particular scripture that had meaning for me. That
scripture is Romans 5:1‑5:
"Therefore, since we are justified by faith, we
have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through Him we have obtained
access to this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in our hope of sharing
the glory of God. More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that
suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character
produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because God's love has been
poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit which has been given to us."
no normal person seeks or enjoys suffering, we can grow through suffering which
produces endurance and character.
I came to the realization that God would not repair my
marriage, but that He would repair my life if I first sought the kingdom
of God and allowed Him to
use these unfortunate circumstances to help me grow. God can use broken lives, but you have to give him all the pieces. Broken clouds yield rain, broken
ground yields plants and a broken seed yields growth.
Sometimes you come to a situation where the reality you face
simply hurts too much for you to go on. At that point a person can, in effect,
create a new reality by controlling their own behaviors, looking for positive
growth and turning win/lose situations into win/win situations. It is not easy.
You need God’s Guidance and help.
I have learned that you do the best you can under the
circumstances that you are given and forgive yourself for not doing better. I
also learned God will sustain you in bad times.
One of my first realizations was
that we had created a successful family because we both loved and cared for our
son and provided for him. Our family was a success, but our marriage was not.
After many efforts to make repairs, change the circumstances, and appeal to reason,
I realized that I was not capable of fixing something that was now dead. No
matter how painful it is, the acceptance that a marriage is over, is one of the
first steps towards rebuilding.
After more than a year of physical
separation in different towns, my first wife and I divorced May 7, 1985.
Even when a marriage ends, there is a degree of freedom to
conduct yourself in a Christian manner, to take actions that will help the
child or children not only survive the divorce, but continue to thrive, and
freedom to rebuild a life based upon faith in God and the future.
One of the most important lessons that I finally learned is
found in Mark 11:24‑25:
"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer,
believe that you will receive it, and you will. And whenever you stand praying,
forgive, if you have anything against anyone; so that your Father also who is
in heaven may forgive you your trespasses."
I also learned that there were many ways that I could show
love and care for my son. One of the best ways was not to burden him with my
feelings of neglect, hurt and anger toward and from my ex‑wife. One of the
kindest things I could do for him was to treat her with kindness. I learned
that telephone calls, letters, hugs and simply long conversations together
could show my love for him most effectively.
I learned that communication involves much more than simply
words. It involves attention, eye contact, energy level, posture, tone of
voice, facial expressions and words. These all must be congruent to show
respect, compassion, understanding and love. Unexpressed "contracts"
or ways of conduct learned in formative years carry over to married life and
need to be recognized, discussed and acted upon.
I have found that stress and hurt can motivate growth. I have
also found that there are many sources of help. There are many helpful church
people as well as some church people who did not show understanding or
In 1987, Mike Cockerham introduced
me to Marty Shore .
Ann Cockerham encouraged Marty to go out with me. God used First
Baptist Church
and the many good people here, such as Ruth Jackson, Carolyn Prevo, Belinda
Helms and many others, to care for Marty and her boys. While God prepared me; God also prepared them.
God waited until I had grown due to my suffering about the
breakup of my first marriage. He waited until I was ready for a new wife, a
good Christian woman. God also prepared Marty and her children, Robert and
Timothy. Praise God for his timing and for the good answers He provides. He
allowed my son to return; He also provided me with two fine stepsons, whom I
love and who teach me new things every week.
God used First
Baptist Church ,
John Rogers, and the rest of the ministers and staff to help me grow in Christian
love. I took the course on Jesus, on Leadership, How to Be a Servant Leader.
I learned the spiritual gifts God has given me, the personality traits I have,
and the way of Servant Leadership. I also attend the Monday night
Community Bible Study conducted at our church and have studied The Man God Uses
course taught by Dick Stratton at our church on Wednesday nights.
My hope and prayer is that God will
use me. I am preparing myself to be open to
his call. I
hope you are also preparing yourself and that God uses you in a mighty way for
the spread of his gospel and for His glory.
"Let us seek to share the fruits of the Spirit which are love,
joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self‑control.
Let us remember that against such as these there is no law." Now, as it is
stated in Romans 15:13,
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and
peace in believing "so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound
in hope.”
Declining health and stamina led to a
diagnosis of a large benign brain tumor. I had surgery to remove the tumor, an
operation that led to almost three months in Baptist Hospital. I still have to
deal with some lasting side effects. My wife has remained devoted and helped
me in every way. We have grandsons and granddaughters.
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Bob volunteering in Multi-Housing Ministry |
And so it goes. God helped me learn things
through the good and bad experiences. I learned your relation with God, Christ
and the Holy Spirit is the most important. I learned that prayer involves
sharing all with God, listening to his word and relying on fellow Christians.
I have found that stress and hurt can
motivate growth both mentally and spiritually.
I have learned that prayer and faith promote
recovery. Others showed us grace and love without asking or seeking refund
because of a shared belief in God. God loved us first and we share love with
each other. Family, friends, and church family prayed for me and my family. Our
Sunday school class, deacon and church friends helped us in numerous ways. They
sent cards, made calls, visited and gave timely gifts. They built a ramp,
brought food, did yard work, did housework, and stayed with me when my wife cared
for our grandson or needed relief. They provided encouragement when it was
needed and continue to do so. Their care and attention constantly reflect God’s
love and shows Christian love in action. They used their gifts of the Spirit to
share the fruits of the Spirit with us. They shared with us their joy in Christ,
peace, and goodness while strengthening our faith. God uses even bad times to
create good for those who believe in Him.
I have learned that joy shared is multiplied
and that difficulties shared are divided thus become bearable.
One of the most
important lessons that I learned is found in Mark 11:24‑25:
"Therefore I
tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you will receive it, and you
will. And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against
anyone; so that our Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your
We give thanks to God
who uses our weaknesses and adversity for our growth and for His glory. We give thanks to God for His Son, Jesus Christ, who died
for our sins, was resurrected from the dead, reconciled us with God’s holiness
and gave us the hope of eternal life when he returns. Our prayers are heard; we
can have joy in our hearts. We are glad for this is the day the Lord has made.
He is present everywhere for those who have heard the Good News of the Gospel
and follow the way of Christ, our Lord and Savior.
Faithful church member, Bob WIlliams
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