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God’s Plan for My Children: Luke 2.27-35


As we think about moms today it's interesting to know that a mother's brain structure changes when they give birth. The brain changes to make mothers more emotional and more sensitive towards their children.  God has made us to adapt as needed.  Moms think about what their children need.  You probably already did this today, you've planned ahead.  On a bigger scale you think about the future.  Imagine what level of responsibility Mary feels!  What do you do with this child from God?  Luke 2 is Mary's story, what Mary did to be sure Jesus is able to do what the Father wants Him to do.  This is true for mothers today too.

Follow God’s plan.

 When we think about being a mom we might be afraid we are going to mess up our kids.  Dads wonder if they've physically hurt or injured their child, but moms worry about the emotional scars of their children.  There are some things we know to do.  Mary does what she knows to do in this passage.

                        27And he came in the Spirit into the temple, and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him according to the custom of the Law, 

 Notice two things here.  First, Simeon comes in the Spirit.  This is one of the ways we know God's plan.  How do we hear from the Spirit of God?   Prayer is when we connect our spirit to God.  Throughout your day maybe you have times when you're asking God for help?  You're talking to God in prayer throughout your day?  While in the car?  That is walking in the Spirit. It's asking, "God, what do You want me to do in this moment in time?"  Simeon is at the Temple and he's listening to the Spirit of God.  This is part of his every day experience.  Secondly, let's look at what the parents are doing.  They are following the custom of the law, doing what they Bible teaches us to do.  What do you do with God's son?  They were doing the basics.  They are at the Temple fulfilling their customs.  The first child belonged to God and they gave the child to God and then would buy the child back for 5 shekels.  It was their custom.  Everyone did it.  This is simple obedience.  We want to know the full plan.  Angels spoke to Mary and Mary has special instructions.  Mary had big moments with God but Mary doesn't know the whole story.  That's the difficult part, determining God's will for our children.  Some of you probably even have 20 year plans for your children.  It can be a point of stress for us.  Look at Mary.  God did not give Mary everything; God just gave her the next step.  God gives us enough for the next step, for the current step.  What step are you in right now?  Have you ever walked around your house at night in the dark?  My phone has a setting where it goes dim, so I have to turn on the flashlight and sometimes it blinds me!  With my flashlight I can see just enough to take the next step.  The next step was to go to the Temple.  God tells us what to do in the next step.

Let Godly people speak into your children.

God speaks through Simeon.  Simeon speaks a word of prophecy:
                        28he took him up in his arms and blessed God and said, 29“Lord, now you are letting your servant depart in peace, according to your word; 30for my eyes have seen your salvation 31that you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, 32a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to your people Israel.”

 Simeon speaks this word of praise in verse 28.  He takes Jesus in his arms and prays over Him.  In verse 29 he says, "Lord," and calls himself a "servant."  These are unusual words.  It's not a common sequence of words. These words literally mean, "master" and "slave."  We only have this combination of words a few times in the Bible.  I don't normally call God, "Master," and I don't normally refer to myself as a "slave."  The meaning is something like, "God, I am Yours."  Simeon has a sense of release that he can now face whatever comes in life.  This is a supernatural thing just like when Mary visited Elizabeth and Elizabeth already knows who Jesus is.  Elizabeth was filled with the Spirit.  This too is a revelation from God.  Mary and Joseph lived in Nazareth so they probably have never seen Simeon before.  Simeon takes their baby and holds him up.  Imagine the pressure of Mary here as this guy takes her child!  It's a challenge to let other people speak into our child's life.  There are so many negative influences on social media and many other places.  There's a lot of things you have to watch out for but at the same time there are Godly people who want to speak into your children.  I can still remember Ms. Flint, my Sunday School teacher.  She had a felt board.  She'd stick the figures on the board and we learned the stories of all Jesus' disciples.  I remember her passion for teaching us.  She was a Godly woman who spoke into my life.  Allow God's people to speak into the lives of your child.  Simeon speaks and it's confirming, but there's a new element here.  In verses 31-32 this hasn't been said yet.  They are in Jerusalem in the Temple surrounded by Jews and in verse 32 Simeon says Jesus is a light of revelation for the Gentiles.  Jesus came not just for the Jews but for the whole world!  This is a remarkable revelation!  Jesus is for the nations!  For all of us!  That word prompts their minds to see and understand the fullness of God is speaking through Simeon.  Simeon knows the truth about Jesus.  There's two parts to this revelation.  One part they've heard before, but how does Simeon know?  Sometimes we need reminders and clarifying words.  Honestly, that's what happens when we gather together.  This isn't new information that we haven't heard before.  We need to be reminded of the truth.  We need reminders.  We need a revelation of what Jesus is going to do.  

Marvel at what God can do.

the word "marvel," is to celebrate, to be in awe of.  I pray you have these moments in your lives.  Children marvel well.  As adults we become boring, but children have a sense of wonder.  As a kid we played football together and stop to take a drink of water out of the garden hose.  We discovered the water from the hose could make a rainbow.  As a kid this was so fascinating!  We see this with Mary and Joseph.  I pray you still marvel at what God can do.  
                        33And his father and his mother marveled at what was said about him. 

Pay the price.

This is the difficult part.  This is just for the moms.  Simeon is talking to both parents but for some reason, now he just talks to Mary:
                        34And Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, “Behold, this child is appointed for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign that is opposed 35(and a sword will pierce through your own soul also), so that thoughts from many hearts may be revealed.”

Why does he speak just to Mary?  Mary cannot know what this means now but later she will understand.  At some point Mary becomes a single mother.  The last time we hear about Joseph is when Jesus was 12 years old.  We pesume Joseph died.  We don't know.  Mary has no idea about the path ahead of her.  She will carry a heavy load.  She will know the cost of what Jesus will do.  It's going to be a great price.  "Fall and rising," is found in 1 Peter 2:7-8:

                    So the honor is for you who believe, but for those who do not believe, "The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone," and "A stone of stumbling and a rock of offense."  They stumble because they disobey the word, as they were destined to do.

Jesus is described as a stone.  Many people stumble over the stone.  People trip over Jesus.  It's hard to accept the truth of the Gospel.  Mary will see Jesus rejected.  That's her son.  Mary will witness the death of her son.  He will pay a great price.  Mary will pay a great price too.  There's a second meaning here.  Jesus is also the Cornerstone!  For some, Jesus will be the foundation of their lives.  Simeon says he can now die in peace.  He is in the arms of Jesus forever.  This is sacrifice.

Moms, there are things you do that nobody knows or understands.  Your children will never understand the price you have paid. It is the will of the Father.  What might God do through your child?  Mary went to redeem Jesus in the Temple.  For 5 shekels they bought Him back from God.  It's a willing decision.  It's saying, "God, You gave me this child.  I give them back to You."  Our world needs Godly children.  May you give your children to the Lord and may God use them greatly.

Sermon by Dr. Scotty Carpenter.  Sermon Notes by Jeni Martin Johnson.  


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