In John 10 we saw that Jesus is the Good Shepherd who cares for us. Jesus as the good Shepherd examines us and gives us all we need to live life to the fullest. Jesus is going to show us how he treats his friends. Jesus’ friend Lazarus gets sick and his sisters, Mary and Martha, send for Jesus. They tell Jesus if he had only been there they know their brother wouldn’t have died. People are grieving. Lazarus’ death is real to them. Jesus is grieving for his friend. Jesus demonstrates He is the resurrection and the life. Jesus has power over the grave. Jesus tells the people to open the tomb. Concern is expressed that the body will smell bad because it’s been in there a few days, but Jesus orders Lazarus to come out! Lazarus walks out of the tomb and demonstrates the power Jesus has against whatever comes against us. God has the power to act. People were overwhelmed at experiencing Lazarus being raised ...